Yesterday, Wednesday 19 December, chef Claudio Menconi was a guest on the television programme I Fatti Vostri , hosted by Tiberio Timperi and Anna Falchi with the participation of Ilaria Mongiovì, Paolo Fox and Stefano Palatresi. The program is considered the most famous square in Italy where current events and news, customs and society are discussed every day.
The carving master was invited to the space dedicated to Patrizia Neher , the expert in home economics and host of the successful Ci pensa Patty column. The occasion was special to talk about creativity and beauty in the kitchen and to discover new ideas for the holidays.
Claudio Menconi was introduced highlighting
Barga , a charming village in
Tuscany - as well as his current hometown - and he passionately presented several ideas for creating
elegant centerpieces using fruit and vegetables, an original and refined way to decorate the table during the holidays and on any special occasion.
His artistic compositions have conquered the public, showing how with a few simple ingredients you can create works of art, even edible ones.
A moment that made us particularly proud was when the well-known TV presenter Anna Falchi emphasized her appreciation for the jacket worn by Maestro Menconi. It is the signature Anice Stellato by Simani Sartoria , a jacket that combines practicality and refinement made especially for the chef by our seamstresses.
An acknowledgement that motivates us to continue to take care of every detail of our creations, designed for those who know how important elegance is even in the workplace.
Click HERE to watch the full episode.
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